We secure and filter all email using hosted email services so that all email is filtered before it hits your network. It allows customizable layers of protection per user, MFA and end-end encryption. And its reporting, like all our tools is HIPAA friendly.
We can work with infrastructure in place, or design an entire network from the ground-up, depending on the unique data workflow of each business. And we build our systems to be as remote-friendly as possible, to keep your workplace interruption free.
Our RMM tool gives us the remote magic needed to manage data on your network: schedule patching, custom scripting to take care of issues before they become issues, secure endpoints, user visibility and accessibility controls, and access to highest level reporting to show the efficiency and safety of your network and all of its devices.
Our EDR and Vulnerability scanning tools allow us a multitude of security layers in addition to a firewall. And as all of our tools are designed for HIPAA compliance, you’ll have verifiable reporting as proof of compliance.
To protect your data BEFORE something happens, our Zero-Trust opton can prevent unwanted software from running in the first place - allowing ONLY those software and users given permission - to act.
Having local and virtual backups of your data is the choice that can save your business. We make sure to respect rules with regard to geographical cloud storage and ensure that your backups and data are there when you need them.
In addition to our standard backup services, we also offer a BCDR line of devices. This technology allows for an identical instance of your OS, Software and data that can be spun up in minutes to keep your business functioning in case of disaster with access to your most critical systems, giving time for the team to repair the main instance of your data.